Tamás Szabó was born in Arad on 18 February 1933. His parents were Sándor Szabó photographer and Irén Martini Szabó.
1951 Starts working as an electroacoustic engineer at Tehnocin (Tehnica Cinematografică) in Cluj.
1953 Beginning with this year, he participates in numerous photography exhibitions in the country and abroad.
1954 Obtains professional qualification as a film projectionist.
1955 Employed as a director of photography at the film and photography laboratory (Laboratorul Central de Cineficare) of Bolyai University.
1961 Beginning with this year, his photographs are published in numerous regional newspapers and magazines (Igazság, Făclia, Előre, Falvak Dolgozó Népe, Dolgozó Nő, A Hét, Tribuna, Scânteia Tineretului, Steaua, Utunk, Új élet, Korunk, etc.).
1962–1995 Photographer at the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania in Cluj.
1965 He became a member of the Romanian Association of Photography Artists.
1970–1973 Works at the the Romanian Television in Cluj, on the Hungarian-language show.
1978 He is awarded the title of Photographic Artist by the International Federation of Photographic Art (AFIAP).
1980–1990 Photographer at The National Theater of Cluj.
1995–2007 Photographer at Library of the Romanian Academy in Cluj.
1988 A vas ízei [The Tastes of Iron] (Selection and preface by Károly Kós, Kriterion Publishing House, Bucharest)
2009 Cluj-Napoca. Un oraș în mișcare [Cluj-Napoca. A Changing City] (Tribuna Publishing House, Cluj)
2009 Portrék műteremben [Portraits in the Studio] (Kriterion Publishing House, Cluj)
2010 Vârsta de Fier. Cluj-Napoca și ornamentele sale neștiute [Iron Age. Cluj-Napoca and its Unknown Ornaments] (with texts by Ioan Aurel Pop, Tribuna Publishing House, Cluj)
2011 Povestea fierului [The Tale of Iron] (Tradiții Clujene Publishing House, Cluj)
Plasticieni clujeni [Artists from Cluj] ( with texts by Negoiță Lăptoiu, Risoprint Publishing House, Cluj)
Strada. Cluj-Napoca [The Street. Cluj-Napoca] (with texts by Ovidiu Pecican, Tribuna Publishing House, Cluj)
2014 Povestea lemnului [The Tale of Wood] (Tradiții Clujene Publishing House, Cluj)
2015 Povestea lutului [The Tale of Clay] (Tradiții Clujene Publishing House, Cluj)
2016 Povestea lânii [The Tale of Wool] (Tradiții Clujene Publishing House, Cluj)
The above are complemented by over 150 volumes illustrated by the artist.